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EnvisionEdPlus Expands Support for High School Innovation

EnvisionEdPlus is well-known for supporting high school innovation through our Operation Graduation Design Labs, grant writing, program design and professional development. We are thrilled to announce a significant expansion of support to high schools as they redesign systems to prepare each student for success well beyond graduation.

NEW Operation Graduation 2.0 Design Lab Opportunity for Northeast Ohio

Work Based Learning that WORKS coming in Spring 2020

The Ohio STEM Learning Network is sponsoring three Work-Based Learning that WORKS events across northeast Ohio. Thanks to OSLN’s sponsorship, this event is FREE to schools in targeted Northeast Ohio counties. Each of these day-long events will bring together education and business professionals who are partnering to design high quality work-based learning experiences for youth.

Participating schools are invited to send teams of two, an education professional (such as career counselor, work based learning coordinator,internship coordinator, etc..) and an industry professional responsible for managing work-based learning within their organization. Together, teams will:

Watch for more information and registration in the coming weeks.

Re-envisioning High School: An EnvisionEdPlus LaunchPad Series coming Summer 2020

EnvisionEdPlus is bringing together a variety of partners to provide in-depth support to schools or districts as they re-envision teaching and learning. LaunchPads are uniquely designed to convene multiple schools or districts within a single region, creating a local innovation network to share practices and more effectively leverage regional resources to scale and sustain innovations.

Annually, EnvisionEdPlus will convene participants in 4-5 work sessions guided by our Four Tenets for Re-Envisioning Education, enabling key staff, students and community stakeholders from each school/district to:

LaunchPad is for a coalition of the willing. Participating schools and districts might be at different stages of innovation but will be committed to a shared vision that closely aligns with Each Child, Our Future: Ohio’s Strategic Plan for Education, including the principles of equity, partnership and quality schools, as well as recognition of the four learning domains. Their primary focus during this work will be on Strategy 10: Ensure high school inspires students to identify paths to future success, and give students multiple ways to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for high school graduation and beyond. Participation will be open to any traditional, chartered or private school; however, LaunchPad is geared particularly for motivated schools and districts that have limited local resources and/or funding. Regional cohorts will be recruited three to six months prior to convening.

We are currently seeking ESCs, Business Advisory Councils and other regional conveners as LaunchPad partners for our inaugural two-year cohort set to begin in summer 2020. Contact Tricia Moore, or 614.357.4439 for more information.

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