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Halloween Website Scavenger Hunt

Ghost illustration set, simple and cute character

Congratulations to our winners!

  • Anne with Incarnate Word Academy
  • Kristy with Youngstown Schools
  • Crystal with Marion YMCA

At EnvisionEdPlus, we believe in keeping the spirit of learning alive and making education a thrilling adventure. That's why for a little Halloween fun, we've decided to introduce our very first website scavenger hunt! This unique challenge is your chance to explore our website and win an exclusive prize that could boost your professional skills. The first 3 people to find the hidden page and submit their name, email, and keyword, will win one free PDPlus course!

Here is your hint:

On our website, you'll find the key.

To unlock your potential, and be the best you can be!

With grant writing and PD, we pave the way.

A goal of reaching 1 billion in grant funding, hip hip hooray!

Professional development, a gift we bestow.

With all of the important information below.

Now, we will send you on your quest.

For professional growth, we offer our best.

But wait, there's more! A secret to reveal.

A prize awaits you, it's a fantastic deal.

To find the treasure, search for a ghost.

Head to the 'EEP Team' page, we'll be your host!

A free PDPlus course, a prize so fine.

For those who race against time!

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