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School Climate Grants – Deadline March 12, 2020

In July 2019, Ohio’s biennial budget included a $2 million appropriation for Ohio School Climate Grants. The Ohio Department of Education will have two grant cycles to distribute funds. This year’s Ohio School Climate grant is open. Grants must be submitted by March 12, 2020. Schools can anticipate another round of these funds to open during spring 2021.

EEP’s official disclaimer
Our FAQs and information should never be considered official information. Our purpose is to assist partners in making informed decisions based on our understanding of grant expectations. ONLY the documents provided by ODE are official guidance and requirements.

Program Objectives: Increase the number of districts trained to fully implement the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports framework and other research or evidence based social-emotional learning initiatives to decrease discipline incidents that result in suspension or expulsion of students in grade K-3.

Eligibility: City, exempted village and local school districts, community schools, public STE(A)M schools and ESCs serving children in any grades K-3. As per the grant FAQs, non-public schools are not eligible.

Funding Overview

Funding Priority

Applications that meet eligibility requirements will be prioritized in the following manner.

  1. Buildings with 100% – 49.7% economic disadvantaged (ED)rate according to 2018-19 Local Report Card data) will be ranked based on highest to lowest rates.
  2. Those schools will then be further prioritized by highest to lowest out of school suspension (OSS) rates. Schools will be funded in descending order with highest ED and OSS schools being funded first. Tie breaker will be submission timestamp.
  3. IF funding remains, then ODE will consider qualified buildings with less than 49.7% economic disadvantaged rate but with 13.8% or higher OSS rate. They will be ranked and funded based upon OSS rate. Tie breaker will be submission timestamp.
  4. IF funding remains then ODE will consider any remaining qualifying building based on timestamp.

Note: If funding is insufficient to provide grants to all eligible applicants within a priority level, then schools that did not receive 2019 School Climate Grants will be funded first.

Check out past blogs on school climate, culture and mental health supports for children and adults: Supporting Adults so each Youth Thrives and Evidence Based Resources to Support the Whole Child

School Climate grants are pretty simple and most likely your staff can complete it internally. However, if you are swamped and need support, EnvisionEdPlus is always happy to help. Just contact Tricia Moore, our Director of Partnerships and Engagement, at 614.357.4439 or

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