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Equity for Each Grant Breakdown

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Important grant update from Michele Timmons: 
Here’s everything you need to know. 
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Equity for Each Grant is competitive and applications are now available. Grants are due May 15th.
Local education agency, including any city, local or exempted village school district, community school, STEM school, joint vocational school district or postsecondary institution and all other entities that are eligible to receive Perkins V funds or a collaborative of such entities.

Note:  Eligible secondary entities must have an approved CTE-26 workforce development career pathway application for the year of the grant application. Eligible postsecondary entities must have approved career-technical education programs through the Ohio Department of Higher Education. CTE-26-approved Industry-Only Credential and Career-Based Intervention programs are not eligible to receive funds through this grant. 

Data Requirement: 

Each application must demonstrate a gap in a CTE student group accessing, performing, or achieving outcomes that is identified through a data source that is either hyperlinked in the application or cited and attached.


Application window opens April 1, 2025, and closes May 15, 2025. Recipients will be notified of award before July 1, 2025, with grant funds substantially approved date of July 1, 2025. Expenditures must be committed by June 30, 2026, and fully claimed by September 30, 2026. Carryover is allowed for 12 months, until June 30, 2027.


Approximately $1.6 million is available for the E4E competitive grant. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Office of Career-Technical Education plans to allocate between $25,000 to $200,000 to a minimum of eight applicants. The amount requested may not equal the total amount of the grant awarded.

Competitive Preference: 

  • Emphasize collaboration between secondary and postsecondary schools.
  • Seek to employ strategies that focus on promotion or expansion of programs of study aligned with state-identified high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations.
  • Seek to implement strategies for improving access to Work-Based Learning or postsecondary apprentice/internships, and/or
  • Seek to implement strategies to attract and retain competent teachers and promote policies to ensure the addition of program staff who reflect the population of the school or district.
The Equity for Each Grant is competitive and applications are now available. Grants are due May 15th.
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