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Ohio’s Biennial Budget – Final Update (Part 1 of 3)

Analyzing, Technology, Adult, Advice, Audit

As always, EEP has been closely tracking Ohio’s biennial budget as it relates to educational funding. During the last month, there have been a lot of negotiations between the House and Senate that resulted in this final version that was signed by Governor DeWine on July 3rd. This will be part 1 of 3. 

Two important state agency changes:

  • Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has been renamed Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) and is no longer an independent state agency. The Governor will appoint a Director of the DEW who will be a member of his cabinet. Two Deputy Directors will be appointed by the Director (Deputy Director of Primary and Secondary Education and Deputy Director of Career-Technical Education). Most of the State Board of Education’s responsibilities will be transferred to the DEW. 
  • The Department of Children and Youth (KID) was established and will be responsible for 
    1. adoption, 
    2. child care, 
    3. child welfare, 
    4. early childhood education, 
    5. early intervention, 
    6. home visiting, 
    7. maternal and infant vitality, and 
    8. preschool special education.

The purpose is to centralize everything related to children within one department. This is likely to take some time to implement, but it will happen over the next two years. 

Today’s blog focuses on funding in the following areas that are of most interest to our Ohio peeps: career and college readiness and learning support.

Don’t forget that during LaunchPad 2023 – Pathways to Possibilities we will give a full report on funding and several new grant opportunities that support learning. We would love for you to join us on July 31-August 1st at Geneva on the Lake! Register ASAP! 

Career and College Readiness.

  • Career Awareness and Exploration funds (CAE) –  Increased funding to Career Tech Planning Districts on behalf of their home schools (was $5 per student in FY23). FY24: $7.50 per student. FY25: $10 per student. 
  • School Counselor Training on Construction Trades – All counselors for grades 7-12 must complete 4 hours of training on construction trades every 5 years.
  • Ohio Computer Science Promise Program – Students in grades 7-12 can enroll tuition free in one computer science program per year (and receive HS credit and graduation requirements) for a course that is not provided by the school. ODE will create an approved list.
  • Financial Literacy and Workforce Readiness Program Initiative – $1,500,000 per year funds to the following Junior Achievement offices: North Central Ohio, Greater Cleveland, Mahoning Valley to collaborate with local schools, institutions of higher education, local, regional and statewide employers and businesses, subject matter experts, community-based organizations, and other public-private entities or agencies to implement the Programming Initiative (financial literacy, workforce or career readiness, entrepreneurship and other skills). Initiative must
    1. emphasize engagement in underserved and under resourced urban/rural communities and economically disadvantaged areas; 
    2. increase capacity and resources for partner organizations to provide programs;
    3. increase number of participants each year; 
    4. assist HS students with direct entry into workforce, access to higher ed or on the job training;
    5. provide teacher focused program and support to assist in integrating JA programs; 
    6. strengthen capacity and resources to provide 10 student focused events in NE and central Ohio. 
  • Industry Recognized Credential Reimbursement. During the last 2 fiscal years, ODE only paid out about ½ of the $8 million available. In this year’s budget the state is allocating $5.5 million per year to better align with what has been used in the past. Schools receive $1,250 for each credential earned in the preceding year.
  • Career Technical Education Equipment (not sure if it is direct funding or grant competition) $50 million each year to assist public schools in establishing or expanding career-technical education programs, with priority on programs that support careers on Ohio’s Top Jobs List, and establishing or expanding credentialing programs that qualify for the Innovative Workforce Incentive Program.
  • Grow Your Own Teacher Program – Low income HS students and certain employees can earn up to $7,500 in scholarships for up to 4-years. They must commit to teaching in qualifying schools for a minimum of 4 years after graduating from a teacher training program. $5M in FY2024 and $10M in FY2025.
  • Career Technical Construction Program – $200 million in funds to CTCs and comprehensive/ compact CTPD leads to establish or expand CTE programs to support Ohio Top Jobs career fields and/or those that qualify for Innovative Workforce Incentive Program. 

Learning support.

  • Student Wellness and Success Funds (SWSF) – New requirement to spend at least 50% of funds for either physical or mental health based initiatives (or a combination of both). Starting in FY24 all SWSF funds must be expended within the fiscal year or returned to DEW.
  • Mental Health Training for Athletic Coaches – All athletic coaches will need to complete a student mental health training course approved by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Training is required each time the person applies for a new pupil activity permit. 
  • School Based Health Centers – $7.5 million each year to support previously funded school based health centers. 
  • Before and Afterschool Care Licensure – Responsibility shifted to the new  Department of Children and Youth (KIDS)

Check back next week (June 24th) for part 2! Sign up for our newsletter below, for updates, grant information, and event reminders!

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