Striving Readers Eligibility Updated

The Ohio Department of Education has updated eligibility requirements for its anticipated Striving Readers grant competition, casting a wide net for potential awards. If your school, district or early childhood center is interested in funds to support improved literacy, here are a few items that need immediate attention. A letter of intent to apply is required by Jan. 10, 2018.
1.  Confirm eligibility to apply.
Districts (K-12) must meet at least ONE of these criteria using 2016-17 local report card data (official ODE eligibility requirements)
  • LEA has 50 percent or more learners from economically disadvantaged backgrounds;
  • LEA has 5 percent or more learners identified as English learners;
  • LEA has 10 percent or more learners identified as students with disabilities;
  • LEA has fewer than 50 percent learners proficient on grades 3 through 5 Ohio State test in ELA;
  • LEA has fewer than 50 percent learners proficient on grades 6 through 8 Ohio State test in ELA;
  • LEA has fewer than 50 percent learners proficient on the high school Ohio State test ELA I or ELA II; or
  • LEA has fewer than 40 percent learners on track on Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Language & Literacy.

Early childhood education providers have their own requirements, available here.

2.  Save the Date
ODE will have a required Two-Day Literacy Academy on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018 and Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018, in Columbus. The goal of the Academy is to provide technical assistance to those intending to apply for the subgrant and to provide professional learning aligned to improving evidence-based language and literacy instruction and interventions. Only those organizations who attend both days of the Literacy Academy are eligible to apply for the Striving Readers subgrant.
3. Complete Reading Achievement Plan

Each participating district will be required to submit a local literacy plan (Reading Achievement Plan) as part of their application, due March 1. EnvisionEdPlus is pleased to point out that this is different than our original recommendation (which, in the absence of written direction otherwise, was to submit RAPs by the Dec. 31 deadline for those schools already required by law to complete the plans). 

Early childhood education providers will be required to complete a different form, called a Reading Readiness Plan.

4. Need help writing your proposal? Contact us!

As of now, EnvisionEdPlus has capacity to assist additional applicants and consortia with Striving Readers proposals. Call or email Tricia Moore ( or 614-357-4439) to reserve your spot.

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