Day of Innovation with Inventionland (March 20)

Last month, EnvisionEdPlus and more than a dozen Ohio educators joined a large group of Pennsylvania educators to explore innovation with our friends at Inventionland. The event was extremely powerful so Inventionland is doing it again.

The next Inventionland Day of Innovation is March 20.  EnvisionEdPlus hopes to bring even more Ohio educators to check out this wonderful space, learn and grow together and discover new ways we can all innovate so all youth thrive.  This is a completely free event – and they even feed us!

Registration info: Inventionland Day of Innovation Registration

What is Inventionland? This place is the Disneyland of Industrial Design.  Inventionland, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, is one of the world’s largest invention factories and their designers, called ‘Creationeers,’ work in the most creative space I’ve ever seen. The heart and soul of Inventionland is their 9 Step Inventing Method. Creationeers use it every day as they invent, make and tell the stories of hundreds of inventions each year.  The Inventionland team gives free tours to educators and classes year round so everyone can experience the power and excitement of inventing.

What is Inventionland Institute? As Inventionland began sharing their story through student tours, educators started asking them for training in the 9 Step Inventing Method.  The team at Inventionland partnered with PA Intermediate Unit 1 (like an ESC in Ohio) to create the Inventionland Institute Innovation Courses for students in elementary school through college. I have seen the course in action at Burgettstown High School and was completely impressed with the depth of thinking, design, literacy and cross curricular skill building kids demonstrated throughout the semester.

If you want to learn more about Inventionland, the upcoming March 20 Day of Innovation, or how these supports can be made available in your community, give me a call or email ( or 614.893.7341).

~Michele Timmons, President


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