Share Your Dropout Prevention Story

One of our favorite things to do is to share the great work our partners and friends are doing to help all youth thrive. For those of you working with middle and high school students – in school and beyond – a national stage is coming to Ohio this year. The 30th annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference, in Columbus on October 28-31, is a tremendous opportunity for you to share your successful programs and strategies, not-to-mention to learn lots from like-minded colleagues across the country.

The mission of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPC/N) is to increase graduation rates through research and evidence-based solutions, and a major part of these efforts include spreading awareness and promoting successful programs and policies related to dropout prevention. The National Conference is a huge opportunity to do just this, and we hope you’ll attend and join us in our efforts to help today’s students graduate and lead successful lives thereafter.

Check out the conference details here, and then submit a proposal to share your best practices with a conference presentation! Presenter proposals are due April 6.

Other opportunities to become involved include becoming a sponsor and/or participating as an exhibitor by securing a booth. EnvisionEdPlus is proud to join the ESC of Central Ohio, COSI and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as a sponsor and partner for this event. Just interested in attending? Ohio residents get a 10% registration discount by using the promo code OHIO2018. Register here!

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