Additional Resources for Transitioning to New Graduation Requirements

This summer, as we traveled Ohio holding Operation Graduation Design Labs (OGDL), it was clear that districts and schools are interested in resources to help them effectively transition to Ohio’s new graduation requirements. Two recent blogs New Graduation Requirements Approved with Funding Opportunities To Support Alignment and Graduation Requirements: Updated Guidance provide detailed information to help educators and educational partners to better understand these changes. 

Check out these key resources and supports … 

Operation Graduation Design Labs 2.0. Given warm reception of our summer design labs focused on the Class of 2020, EnvisionEdPlus will be hosting a new series this fall – Operation Graduation Design Lab 2.0 (OGDL 2.0) – to support schools in creating strategies to leverage the new requirements to spark innovation and better prepare each student for post-secondary workforce and college success. 

We are currently engaging ESCs across the state to host OGDL 2.0.  More information will be available within the next few weeks.  Watch our website, newsletter and EdConnections for updates and registration. 

Is your ESC interested in possibly hosting OGDL 2.0? Check out this partnership invitation for more info or email Tricia Moore at

Inventionland Institute Day of Innovation (Focus: OMJ Readiness Seals). Ohio’s new graduation requirements expect learners to demonstrate how they are career and college ready.  The Inventionland Institute Innovation Course offers a unique opportunity for schools to help students develop and document critical professional skills that have value in the workplace and also contribute to success in higher education. On October 1st,  join us in Pittsburgh for a FREE Day of Innovation to discover how this course can be used as a key strategy to validate nearly all of the 15 OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal skills.  Register HERE

Funding Opportunities to Support New Graduation Requirements

Student Wellness and Success. ($275 million in FY 2020 and $400 million in FY 2021) These funds will be allocated by formula, but schools and districts must submit annual plans and final reports on how funds will be used and they must develop their plans with a community partner. The funds may be used for mental health services; services for homeless youth; services for child welfare involved youth; community liaisons; physical health care services; mentoring programs; family engagement and support services; City Connects programming; professional development regarding the provision of trauma informed care; professional development regarding cultural competence; services for child nutrition and physical health, fitness, and wellness; and student services provided prior to or after the regularly scheduled school day or any time school is not in session. Funding information and FAQs are now available.

Do districts have to submit their required plans in order to access funds? No.  Districts must engage a partner and create a plan for using funds, but the plans are stored locally, not submitted to ODE.  Funds will be released in October and February (50% each time) through the school foundation funding process. Do we have to spend funds in the year they are received? No.  The state wants funds to be used purposefully within the funding restrictions, but there is no time limit on expenditure. Is there for planning? ODE has a Resource page with several toolkits and a variety of information to help districts think about fund use.  The Ohio Afterschool Network is offering Wraparound Funding Planning Workshops for districts and communities.  

ESC Grants for Prevention.  $1,000,000 in each fiscal year to support professional development grants to educational service centers to train educators and related personnel in models of prevention of risky or harmful behaviors. These funds will NOT be competitive grants. The Department is currently working on guidance and will identify specific ESCs that will be eligible for funding.  No timeline is available yet. 

College Credit Plus Credentialing Grants.  $3,000,000 in FY 2020 for grants to support graduate coursework for high school teachers to receive credentialing to teach College Credit Plus courses in a high school setting.  

CCP Credential Grant is NOW open! (Deadline: Sept 30.) Click HERE for link to application materials. This is a one time shot and funds are limited.  The deadline is EXTREMELY SHORT! Preference is given to consortia applications that include schools with few or no HS teachers able to teach CCP courses.  Given these constraints, EEP recommends schools/districts partner with ESCs. We believe multi-ESC collaborations will be best suited for this highly competitive grant. 
EEP is hosting an ESC Grant Planning Call Thursday, Sept 5  from 2 – 3:30 pm. Contact Michele Timmons ( to register for this event. 

Funding and Resources to Expand Access to Industry Credentials. 

  • Innovative Workforce Incentive Program (IWIP). Up to $12,500,000 in each fiscal year to pay public schools $1,250 for each qualifying credential earned by a student attending the school. 
  • Industry Recognized Credentials and Journeyman Certification Supports. Up to $8,000,000 in each fiscal year to support payments to public schools whose students earn an industry-recognized credential or receive a journeyman certification. Requires the educating entity to pay for the credential (and claim reimbursement) and to inform students in CTE courses that lead to an industry-recognized credential about the opportunity to earn the credentials.
  • Funds for Establishing Credential Programs.  Up to $4,500,000 in each fiscal year for public schools to establish credentialing programs that qualify for IWIP. Requires ODE to prioritize senior-only credentialing programs in schools that currently do not operate such programs.
Industry Credential Start Up Grants will likely open in January and be due at the same time CT 26 forms are due. If your organization is planning to write for these grants and would like support planning your initiative OR writing your grant application, contact Tricia Moore (

School Quality Improvement Grants. Schools in federal improvement status (priority, focus or warning) will be eligible to write for grants to support school improvement.  Last year, ODE awarded about 350 grants ranging from $100000 – $750,000 over four years. A timeline is not yet available, but grant funds can be used to support indirect services, such as professional development, essential to prepare schools to meet the new graduation requirements.  

Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Grants. All public schools, with an emphasis on schools in federal improvement status, will be eligible to write for grants to give greater access to advanced coursework and career pathways, and increase enrollment for low-income students in AP and IB opportunities. Last year, ODE awarded about 40 grants ranging from $70,000 – $825,000 over three years. A timeline is not yet available, but grant funds can be used to support direct services, program development and start up, essential to prepare schools to meet the new graduation requirements.

Did you know?  EnvisionEdPlus had an 88% success rate on SQI and EOEC grants last year bringing in more than $10,000,000 to support innovation and improvement in their schools.  

As always, EnvisionEdPlus is here to help. Let us know if you would like more information or support in accessing any of these resources, events or funding opportunities.

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