Don’t miss OSLN STEM Designation webinar

Ohio schools interested in STEM Designation should check out tomorrow’s technical assistance webinar led by the Ohio STEM Learning Network, a partner and advisor to the state STEM Committee and Ohio Department of Education in the selection of schools for designation.

Current applications are available on the department’s website, which also describes the minimum designation requirements:

  1. Partnership with both public and private entities, including higher education and business;
  2.  Rigorous, diverse, integrated and project-based curriculum to prepare students for college, the workforce, and citizenship;
  3. Programs that emphasize the role of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in promoting innovation and economic progress, incorporate scientific inquiry and technological design, include the arts and humanities, and emphasize personalized learning and teamwork.

In addition to providing tomorrow’s webinar, OSLN will review and provide feedback on draft applications submitted to them by January 23. The application deadline is 5 p.m. February 17.


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