EEP Grant Watch: Back to School Edition

Welcome to the 2018-19 school year!

As the 2017-18 school year came to an end, there wasn’t much on the horizon in Ohio for education grants. BUT — now there are several key state level grants coming this school year that can make a great difference for the students we all serve.

EXPANDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR EACH CHILD GRANT (EOEC) – Round 2 opens Fall 2018 (no specific timeline yet)

  • Funder: Ohio Department of Education Amount: Up to $450,000 over 2 years
  • Eligibility: All school districts, community schools, STEM/STEAM schools
  • Competitive Preference: Applications with the most number of “priority” or “focus” schools.
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: Ohio’s ESSA Plan and changes in federal regulations allows ODE to use up to 3 percent of Title I Part A funds for a competitive grant for districts to expand access to advanced coursework and educational options for students. Applicants may apply for one or both of the following areas: a) Career pathways program development; and b) Access to advanced coursework (Advanced Placement courses and/or International Baccalaureate program).

In mid-may, ODE did a fairly quiet first round RFP and made awards for this grant in June. The EEP Team anticipates the Fall 2018 round will be highly competitive. We’ve already had more than a dozen districts request support. If your district is planning to apply and would like EEP support – please contact Michele Timmons ASAP ( or 614.893.7341.

SCHOOL SAFETY TRAINING GRANTS (no timeline or funding amounts yet)

  • Funder: Attorney General’s Office will run competition
  • Amount: HB 318 allocated $12,000,000 General Revenue funds
  • Eligibility: Public (community, STEM, STEAM schools) and chartered nonpublic schools and schools operated by county boards of developmental disabilities administering special education programs.
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: The use of the grants includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: (1) The support of school resource officer certification training*; (2) Any type of active shooter and school safety training*; (3) All grade level type educational resources*; (4) Training to identify and assist students with mental health issues; and (5) Any other training related to school safety*.

* The schools and county boards will be required to work or contract with a county sheriff’s office or a local police department in whose jurisdiction they are located to develop the programs and training marked with (*).

SCHOOL CLIMATE GRANTS (no timeline yet)

  •  Funder: HB 318 allocated $ 2 million in state lottery funds. ODE will run competition
  • Amount: Up to $5,000 per school with a maximum of $50,000. Awards could be spent down over 2 years.
  • Eligibility: Public schools that serve any grades K-3 (includes community, STEM, STEAM schools)
  • Competitive Preference: (1) serves one or more eligible school buildings with 50% or higher economic disadvantagement rate; (2) serves one or more eligible school buildings with high suspension rates; (3) eligible applicants who were not awarded a grant under either (1) or (2) in the order in which the applications were received.
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: School Climate Grants may be used to implement positive behavior intervention and supports frameworks, evidence- or research-based social and emotional learning initiatives, or both, in eligible school buildings.

Watch our Blog and Grants page and this newsletter for updates.  Call or email me with questions.

~Michele Timmons

EnvisionEdPlus President ( 614.893.7341)

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