FREE Remote Learning Sharing Session: June 12

EnvisionEdPlus recognizes many effective instructional strategies were used this past spring as teachers presented lessons virtually during the worldwide school building closures. Teachers and school leaders are also telling us there is much room to grow. Educators are clamoring for opportunities to learn from each other because everyone is going to have to do remote learning again this year. Most importantly, in order for our students to grow – educators need to build OUR confidence in remote learning.

Join EnvisionEdPlus and educators – from anywhere – for a FREE Remote Learning – Sharing Session on Friday, June 12 from 9:00am-10:00am EDT using the virtual Zoom platform.

WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? Any teacher who instructed remotely this past spring. Any teacher who expects to be doing remote instruction next year.

WHAT WILL WE DO DURING THE SESSION? Educators will share YOUR stories and learn from each other in this sharing session.

  • What did you tried that worked (online content, online tools and resources, instructional strategies….)?
  • What did you do that yielded high student engagement?
  • How did you assess student learning?
  • How did you connect with hard to reach students (and families)?
  • What are you thinking about trying this fall (online content, online tools and resources, instructional strategies…)?

EnvisionEdPlus’ Remote Learning – Sharing Session (Friday, June 12: 9:00am – 10:00am) is FREE but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.


If you have questions or need additional info, contact Craig Lautenschleger at or 614-348-8628.

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