Cold weather, first semester exams, holiday obligations, national elections, global pandemic… Feeling stressed?

You’re not the only one. Educational leaders who attended our Permission to Thrive session in October got their hands on some pretty cool tools to help them get their teams (and themselves) out of survival mode this fall. Participants told us they loved it – and that they wanted more.

Participants said they needed resources to help their teams be their best while dealing with the stress of persistent uncertainty and everyday disruptions, which contribute to stress.

So, we asked our favorite trauma-skilled care trainer and our friends at Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs and the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success to put their heads together to identify five strategies for stress management. Together, we want to share them with you in a FREE, one-hour session.

Will you join us for TAKE FIVE TO THRIVE?

This training is designed for leaders in organizations that serve youth – school administrators, team leaders, academic coaches, after-school program coordinators, non-profit agency directors and more. Participants will:

  • Discover five quick and easy activities for minimizing stress as individuals and in teams;
  • Develop a strategy to replicate this training for your staff or team; and,
  • Get your hands on a totally awesome virtual swag bag with resources, tools and training options to manage stress all year

We’ll offer this live, virtual session twice so that you can pick the most convenient day and time:

AFTERNOON SESSION: Wednesday, December 2, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., or 

MORNING SESSION: Friday, December 4, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

After you have registered for one of the two available dates, a confirmation email will be sent to you. It will include the Zoom link.

QUESTIONS? Contact Tricia Moore, the director of partnership and engagement for EnvisionEdPlus. She can be reached by email at or cell phone (614.357.4439 – call or text).

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