Funds available for new industry credential programs

Right before winter break, the Ohio Department of Education released the Innovative Workforce Incentive Program Implementation Grant, which has $4.5 million for this fiscal year to help schools establish qualifying industry credentialing programs. Given Ohio’s new graduation requirements, this is a very important grant for high schools, but some folks might have missed the announcement in the throws of semester exams.  So, here is the scoop:

Timeline (Open NOW.  Deadline: March 1, 2020)

ODE plans to notify awardees by April 1 and funds should be available by mid-April. 

Grant Eligibility

City, local, and exempted village school districts, community schools, STEM schools, Educational Service Centers and joint vocational school districts are the only eligible applicants. Applicants may apply for one or multiple grants. 

  • Bundles of related credentials fall under a single application.
  • Multiple applications are required if requesting funding for multiple, unrelated credentials.

Fund Use 

Funds must be used to implement a program that will prepare students to earn qualifying industry-recognized credentials during the 2020-2021 school year.  This is NOT a planning grant – planning should be completed before applying. ODE can require the return of funds if no industry credentials are earned during the 2020-2021 school year. 

All funds must be incurred by September 30, 2020. Carryover will NOT be permitted. 

This grant prioritizes senior-only credential programs in schools that do not have such programs. Grant funds can not be used to pay for credential exam costs.  ODE also states that grant awards may be prorated based on the technical review score and competitive preference priorities. To allow for this, applicants will need to respond to a question stipulating the minimum amount of funding needed to implement the program. 

Grant funds can be used to purchase materials and services such as: equipment, software, classroom supplies necessary for training, administrative and operational costs, teacher professional development and credentialing, classroom or lab expansion, curriculum and materials for instruction and credential vendor services.  

Need assistance? EnvisionEdPlus is offering two packages for writing services:

  • Writing ONLY ($2,000): Applicant must already have plans and partners in place. Services will be provided remotely. 
  • Planning, Design and Writing ($5,500):  EnvisionEdPlus will provide support to the applicant and partners in planning, project design, and writing the application.  Services will be provided on-site and remotely.

Contact Michele Timmons, or 614.893.7341, for more information. 

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