Grants to Support OSLN Statewide Challenge on Food Scarcity

OSLNLast month, the Ohio STEM Learning Network announced the 2019 Statewide Design Challenge. Here are some quick details about the challenge, straight from OSLN Director, Heather Sherman.

This year’s challenge is to: Work as a team to imagine, design and prototype a solution to increase food security in your life, community, or world. Improving local access to food will prepare us for the greater challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050. Solving this challenge will require thinking beyond opening more grocery stores—we are asking you to consider systemic approaches to food production from biotechnology, food production and environmental considerations.

Did you know there are MANY grant opportunities available – RIGHT NOW – to support student led projects addressing food scarcity? Here is a quick list of some of our favorite food scarcity related grants.

cropped-zerif-background-logo-e1501209558426.pngThroughout the school year, EEP will be highlighting grant opportunities that align to OSLN’s State Design Challenge in our regular newsletters. If you are interested in receiving these updates, please email

Best of luck on this year’s challenge!

~Michele Timmons

EnvisionEdPlus President ( 614.893.7341)

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