Last call for 21CCLC, Connector grants!

If your school or nonprofit wants to support stronger collaboration with community partners for the benefit of students, two upcoming grants through the Ohio Department of Education might be just what you need. Both require ample research and planning as well as meaningful partnership development, so it’s time to get started.

The 21st Century Community Learning Center (21CCLC) program is supported by federal dollars that run through the Ohio Department of Education. Schools and nonprofits have been awarded as much as $200,000 per year to support after-school and summer programs focused on literacy, math and career readiness. Successful programs include partners to provide academic assistance, social-emotional support, health and mental health services and enrichment activities. Learn more by checking out our previous blog about 21CCLC.

Ohio’s Community Connector grant program supports one-to-one mentors for middle school and high school students. Applicants must be nonprofit organizations – not schools – but must partner with a school district to serve at least one school with high needs. Funded programs typically focus on one-to-one mentors. Previously funded programs have learned to be creative about recruiting, training and retaining volunteer mentors – a big challenge even for experienced organizations like Big Brothers, Big Sisters.

EnvisionEdPlus can help with the planning process and grant writing. Contact Tricia Moore at or 614-357-4439 before the holiday break to reserve your spot. Demand is high for these competitive grants. We expect our services to be fully committed by the first of the year.

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