Recorded Webinar on MS/HS Literacy Available

Last week, EnvisionEdPlus partnered with Achieve 3000 and John Carroll University to provide webinars on Evidence Based Strategies for Improving Literacy Instruction in Middle and High Schools.  Feedback from participants was fantastic.  They loved the new research Dr. Dan Reynolds provided which summarized evidence based strategies not currently available on What Works Clearinghouse (WWC).  Everyone was also thrilled to have a great presentation without sales pitches 🙂

We also received requests to share the research widely because many folks just weren’t available during our webinar times.  So here it is …

Adolescent Literacy Strategies PPT for Download.

Recorded Webinar (Friday, February 9).

Please share these resources widely.

If you have questions in regards to the information, please email me and I will connect you with Dr. Poggio (Achieve 3000) who presented about current information in WWC or Dr. Reynolds (John Carroll University) who presented on the new research.

~ Michele Timmons, President 


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