NASA Grant Funds PD for Afterschool

Just in!  EEP and Ohio Afterschool Network (OAN) were awarded a $14,000 grant from NASA Glenn Research Center to train Ohio after school professionals to integrate NASA content into their programs.  This grant, coordinated by Battelle Education/Ohio STEM Learning Network, will enable 25 afterschool and summer professionals to participate in a deep dive into using NASA resources to ‘STEM up” informal learning.  OAN will create an application process to choose the 25 professionals who receive 40 hours of FREE professional development and a $200 mini-grant.  Participants will earn six digital badges through our exclusive PDPlus personalized online learning platform. The professional development series will include a combination of face-to- face training followed by 10-15 hours of virtual learning and demonstration of learning through PDPlus.

OAN and EEP will hold a webinar on September 7 to provide more information about the application process. Keep an eye on the OAN Professional Development Events page for webinar registration.

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