Operation Graduation Design Lab 2.0 (2021 and Beyond): REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN

The EnvisionEdPlus team spent last summer hosting Operation Graduation Design Labs across Ohio, assisting school teams in planning to implement the modified additional graduation options for the Class of 2020 and offering a first look at Ohio’s NEW permanent graduation requirements. Overwhelmingly, our participants told us our Design Lab format was highly successful in meeting local needs. There was also a clear and consistent request to provide deeper support preparing schools and districts to implement the permanent graduation requirements.

EnvisionEdPlus created the content for OGDL 2.0 with the help of Ohio Department of Education staff. We are partnering with ESCs across the state to offer OGDL 2.0 regionally since Ohio’s ESCs are uniquely positioned to support high school leaders as they adapt to the new expectations. Together with our ESC partners, OGDL 2.0 will convene high school teams and your community partners to:

  • Understand the different graduation options for the Classes of 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond;
  • Discover ways to develop or expand career and college pathways, industry credentials and apprenticeships in traditional high school settings that are essential for successful implementation; 
  • Complete implementation plans that build on local strengths and create new opportunities preparing EACH student for career and college success.

Who should attend? High School teams of 3-5 members including the principal, teachers, counselors, district administration and a community partner.


All events will follow the same agenda. High school teams can choose the location and date that best meets their school’s needs. EnvisionEdPlus is partnering with Ohio ESCs and local districts to host events, so please sure to use the registration link for the specific date and location.

REGISTER NOW: January 9, 2020 hosted by Butler County ESC. ( make up date – Jan. 14)

  • Time: 8am – 3:30pm
  • Location: 400 N. Erie Blvd., Hamilton OH 45011
  • Registration fee: $130 per person
  • Registration is limited to the first 100 participants and will close by January 3.
    Contact Dr. Heather Sass, heather.sass@bcesc.org or 513.896.2389 for more info.

REGISTER NOW: January 30, hosted by The Madison-Champaign ESC

  • Time: 8:30am – 4:00pm
  • Location: 2200 S. US Highway 68, Urbana, Ohio 43078
  • The ESC will provide 6.5 contact hours.
  • Registration Fees:
    • $130 per person for employees of districts/agencies in Madison, Champaign, Clark, Hardin, Logan and Shelby Counties.
    • $145 per person for employees of districts/agencies in any other Ohio county.


EnvisionEdPlus is currently working with partners to add additional dates in southeast, northwest and northeast Ohio. Also, if you would like to host an Operation Graduation 2.0 Design Lab in your region, please contact Tricia Moore (tricia@envisionedplus.com or 614.357.4439) .

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