Surviving Pompeii and COVID-19: Sanity Saving Ideas for Educators and Education Supporters

As schools closed their doors this week for what could be the last time this school year, educators and families were faced with creating a ‘new normal’ while stressed about all fronts of life – professional, personal, family and friends.  The EnvisionEdPlus team believes that in order for All Youth to Thrive, In School and Beyond educators, families and out-of-school time professionals MUST value self care as much as child care!  

Over the next several weeks (or months), we will regularly share FUN, creative and innovative ways that we, the adults who support young people, can keep ourselves mentally and physically healthy so we can continue to ensure #allkidsthrive. 

This week’s recommendation is to take a deep breath and download I Survived Pompeii: Hilarious Adventures in an Elementary School Library, by Rhonda Willford Eberst. 

Rhonda is the Librarian and Director of the Summit STEM Living Library Museum at Summit STEM Elementary School in Reynoldsburg. This absolutely hysterical book will not only make you laugh out loud, but it will reaffirm why we all do what we do everyday. 

It’s a light read so you can hide in the bathroom, or a closet for a few minutes a day and have some “me” time.  OR – if you are lucky enough, you can sit down with a glass of wine (or tea or whatever you enjoy) and laugh yourself silly one evening.  

You too can survive Pompeii – and COVID-19! 

PS.  If you love Rhonda’s book, give her a shout on Facebook, Twitter and let her know.  Just like you – Rhonda cried her whole way home from school on Monday because she has no idea when she will see her ‘kids’.  

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