WEBINAR: Strategies to Improve MS/HS Literacy Instruction

Join us THIS WEEK as we deliver information focusing on Evidence Based Strategies for Improving Middle and High School Literacy Instruction via Webinar.

Option 1:   Wednesday, February 7th - 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Option 2:  Friday, February 9th – 8:30 to 9:30 AM

Description – Elementary educators know there is a wealth of information on evidence based strategies for early literacy.  However, school leaders find it very challenging to locate well-documented, evidenced-based strategies for improving literacy at the middle and high school levels.  Districts preparing to apply for Ohio’s new Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy grant are particularly interested in recent research that meets ESSA requirements for evidence-based practices.  

To address this knowledge gap, EnvisionEdPlus has teamed up with literacy experts Dr. Dan Reynolds from John Carroll University and Dr. Jessica Huizenga from Achieve 3000 to share vetted, high-quality strategies that meet ESSA’s requirements for strong or moderate evidence base.  Information will be shared in educator friendly language – not researcher lingo – and can be used to help frame Local Literacy Plans for the Striving Readers grant, or just great local practice.  

To Register Wednesday, February 7th 3:00-4:00 PM

           Go to: https://achieve3000.webex.com/achieve3000/j.php?RGID=r69e6c1d96a61ecce113903d2ccd51c47

To Register Friday, February 9th 8:30-9:30

            Go to  https://achieve3000.webex.com/achieve3000/j.php?RGID=r6bb19facf349be4858802adafa48e3b3


Please note, there will be no sales pitches within this webinar.  The sole purpose for this webinar is sharing knowledge that is critical for supporting learner success. 


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