Winter cohort available for Parent Engagement

The current cohort of our synchronous training, Engaging Parents Through Support, is making big strides. So, EnvisionEdPlus has scheduled a new Winter cohort to begin after the holidays.

So far, participants have told us that they appreciate the opportunity to reflect on their approaches with different types of parents, create action plans to improve their strategies with specific parents, and get real-time coaching from our expert instructor. In our current cohort are teachers, counselors, social workers, school support staff and community partners.

One participant reflected that the course had helped her recognize that different strategies might be more effective with different types of parents. She develop new strategies, which tried out as part of the course, and believes they are making a difference.

“Transformation is happening!” she said.

SESSION DESCRIPTION: COVID-19 has made effectively reaching and supporting families even more important than ever! During this 6-hour asynchronous learning series you will discover the eight types of parents/caregivers you may interact with each year. As you discover each type of parent, you will reflect on your past experiences and make connections between engagement and support. Doing so will raise your awareness and apply that awareness to enable yourself to build stronger parent/caregiver engagement.

WHO: Anyone who educates and/or supports parents or families of the youth you serve during or after school.

WHAT: 6-hour, asynchronous training using EnvisionEdPlus’ PDPlus digital learning platform.

COST: $125 per person.

WHEN: Monday, January 11, 2021 – Wednesday, February 10, 2021. (This is a 100% learn-at-your-own-pace course! Need extra time? Just let us know.)

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