Drive to Succeed Grant


$5,000 - $45,000


Drive to Succeed Grant Proposals must be submitted by email to no later than 5:00 pm EST on January 27, 2023



*Please note, EnvisionEdPlus does not provide grants to individuals for drivers education.

Ohio’s Traffic Safety Office is now offering a grant to expand access to teen driver training for low-income populations by providing scholarship programs. In an effort to decrease traffic fatalities in Ohio, the OSTO is offering grant funding to help youth get a proper drivers education. This grant program has local jurisdictions on funding to establish teen driver training scholarship programs. Local governmental agencies may apply for funding to be used for creating community-based scholarships. Funding local jurisdictions allows for programs to address the needs and resources of the community, while building relationships between local law enforcement and those that they serve.

Proposals must be submitted by email to no later than 5pm EST on January 27th.


Applicants must be a local unit of government or council of government (e.g., county, city, township, village, police department or sheriff’s office, health department, etc.); and serve a population of 5,000 or more

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