Transportation Collaboration Grant


Up to $10,000


September 30th, 2022


The purpose of this request for application (FRA) is to solicit proposals from eligible public school districts to obtain a Transportation Collaboration Grant. A public school district that applies for this grant can be awarded up to $10,000 for efforts that lead to shared resources management, routing consolidations, or other activities to reduce transportation costs. The applicant that applies is eligible for funding. Partners in the collaboration will not receive funds. Up to $10,000 is available to each awardee with a total of $450,000 available for FY 2023. The districts that applied for FY2022 collaboration grant and approved by the department are eligible to apply for the collaboration grant renewal. Grantees will be allocated for allowable expenditures based on submitted proposals, plans and corresponding budgets. Expenditures must be incurred by June 30, 2023. If awarded funds are not used by Sept. 30, 2023, the Department reserves the right to request that sub-grantees forfeit the balance of awarded funds

Grantees will be notified of awards in October 2022


This is only open for Ohio schools

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