Teaching for Tomorrow

K-8 Career Awareness Summit

Educate. Empower. Elevate.

Join us for a dynamic two day in-person event designed exclusively for principals, directors, counselors, administrators, and professionals working in K-8 education. Learn about modern and innovative teaching tools for incorporating career awareness into your school or district. 

Enjoy a balance of engaging learning sessions and planning time where teams will work together with personalized support from expert presenters and vendors. Participants will leave with plans and partners that will help them bring their visions to life.

Take advantage of exclusive opportunities for private meetings with presenters and vendors. School teams will receive personalized guidance tailored to their specific needs, aligning with their vision and goals.

This is not your usual 'sit and get' type of conference.

Learn from schools that have embarked on successful K-8 career awareness initiatives. These presentations by local schools offer real-world examples and actionable takeaways for schools that are in the early stages of the process. 

Expand Your Expertise.

Connect with industry and education leaders that are passionate about transforming K-8 education. Exchange ideas, best practices, and contacts to foster ongoing collaboration beyond the event.

Here's how it works.

How can I hear more from a presenter?

Schedule a private meeting with them for a more personalized session.

How will our school get started?

Follow our step by step guide for turning your ideas into a reality.

How will we fund these big ideas?

Our grant gurus are prepared to sit down and discuss possible grant opportunities to help fund your big ideas.

Teaching for Tomorrow

A K-8 Career Awareness Summit.


Recent Grants

As a free service to our partners and friends, we keep a list of available grants. Many are DIY for beginning grant-writers.
But if you need our help, just let us know. We will help each youth thrive one project at a time!

Mobile Beacon’s Connect for Success Program Grant

Longaberger Family Foundation Appalachian Ohio Grants

Delta Dental Foundation Grant

Youth Service America: Hershey Heartwarming Youth Heroes Youth Grant

Aim High Grant (Afterschool Alliance / New York Life Foundation)

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Pathways Grant