EnvisionEdPlus: Sponsoring Innovation Across Ohio

EnvisionEdPlus is proud to sponsor upcoming educational innovation events held by the Kenton City School District, Ohio Afterschool Network, Ohio Small and Rural Collaborative, Campbell City Schools, Berkshire Local Schools and Inventionland Institute. To learn more about these great organizations and their events, READ ON.

Days of Innovation in Ohio Schools

EnvisionEdPlus is partnering with Inventionland Institute to host THREE Days of Innovation in Ohio Schools.

  • Kenton City School District (Hardin County) – REGISTER BY FEB 1
    • Wednesday, February 6 (snow date – Wed. Feb 13) (9:45am-2:30pm)
    • Innovation Focus areas: Elementary and Middle School Inventionland Innovation Courses (during and after school), High School Internship/Capstone, personalized and blended professional learning.
  • Campbell City School District (Mahoning County) **Out-of -School Time Day of Innovation*  REGISTER HERE
    • Tuesday, March 19 (9:45am-2:30pm)
    • Innovation Focus areas: Inventionland in out-of-school time. Programs serving elementary and middle school students. Project-based learning in after-school programs.  See Campbell kids in action practicing their product pitches! 
    • While the focus is out of school time learning, classroom teachers/admins are still welcome and encouraged.
  • Berkshire Local School District (Geauga County) – REGISTER HERE
    • Wednesday, April 3 (9:45am-2:30pm)
    • Innovation Focus areas: Elementary, Middle and High Schools Inventionland Innovation Courses, Maker-infused PBL across K-12 curriculum.

BEST FOOT FORWARD 2019 : OAN’s Statewide Conference for Afterschool and Summer Learning Professionals. We are once again proud to sponsor the Ohio Afterschool Network’s annual conference. Join us February 21 for the 15th anniversary networking reception and February 22 for the conference. Visit our table or attend one of our sessions and register to win GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! I bet there are no other sponsors with such awesome giveaways. Register HERE.

EEP Sessions:

2019 Ohio Small Rural Collaborative State Conference. March 8

Craig and I are both former administrators in small/rural districts and EnvisionEdPlus passionately supports innovation in small and rural schools across Ohio. We are excited to roll out our PBL Instructional Framework and look forward to learning from our district partners how they see this framework aligning to their local needs and interests in educational innovation.

Visit the OSRC website to register.

~Michele Timmons, EnvisionEdPlus President (michele@envisionedplus.com 614.893.7341)

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