Grant Watch – 2019 Kick-Off Edition

The 2019 grant season has begun in earnest. Here are key grants to watch for in Ohio and beyond.

Expanding Opportunities for Each Child-DSS (EOEC) – Anticipated opening in February

  • Funder: Ohio Department of Education
  • Amount: Up to $450,000 over 2 years
  • Eligibility: The previous round was open to all school districts, community schools, and STEM/STEAM schools, with a competitive preference for proposals serving “Priority” or “Focus” school.
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: Ohio’s ESSA Plan and changes in federal regulations allow ODE to use up to 3 percent of Title I Part A funds for a competitive grant for districts to expand access to advanced coursework and educational options for students.
  • Updates/Need to Knows: ODE delayed opening this competition from fall 2018 until after the School Quality Improvement (SQI) grant competition, which closed last week. We had anticipated that the competition would be similar to the first round, last spring. However, during the SQI grant cycle, ODE began positioning this grant as a ‘direct student service’ grant that can support and extend the work of SQI-eligible schools. We are curious to see if that implied changes to the eligibility or priorities from the previous round.
  • EEP Support: Nearly ½ of our available slots for grant writing have already been taken. If you would like our team to hold a spot for your school or district, Contact us ASAP.

21st Century Community Learning Center Grants Now Open (Deadline April 26, 2019)

  • Funder: Ohio Department of Education
  • Amount: Up to $850,000 over 5 years
  • Eligibility: Partnerships between a Local Education Agency (school) and a community-based organization with priority status for programs serving youth in small town or rural districts
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: Provide opportunities for academic enrichment to assist students in meeting state academic standards; offering students access to a broad array of additional services such as those that focus on youth development, social emotional learning, civic engagement and nutritional and physical health; and offering adult family members opportunities for educational development and engagement in their children’s education.
  • Need to Knows: ODE held bidders conferences earlier this month but participation was not a prerequisite. The application is substantially the same for FY20 as it was for FY19.
  • EEP Support: Our dance card for this grant is filling quickly, but we still have some capacity to support other schools and community organizations. If interested, contact us ASAP.

Safe Routes to School Now Open (Deadline March 4, 2019)

  • Funder: Ohio Department of Transportation
  • Amount: Up to $400,000 for infrastructure and up to $60,000 for non-infrastructure
  • Eligibility: Ohio communities
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: Safety projects that encourage or enable children in grades K-8, including those with disabilities, to walk or ride their bikes to school.
  • Need to Knows: Community must complete a School Travel Plan that is approved by ODOT. Some applications will required letter of support from relevant MPO/RTPO. Applicants MUST reach out to ODOT District SRTS Coordinators in advance. No later than February 1, all applicants must submit email request for Crash Data Mapping report. Following submission, applicants will be required to give a presentation (in person or online) to address comments or concerns identified by reviewers. Notification expected in June 2019.
  • EEP Support: If this is a need, please request support by FEBRUARY 1ST.

Inventionland Institute Small Rural Schools Grant Now Open (Due: March 31, 2019)

  • Funder: Inventionland Institute
  • Amount: Grantees will receive up to a 50% discount on an Innovation Course 2-year site license and a 10% discount on all optional teacher and student resources.
  • Eligibility: Any Ohio LEA or nonprofit out-of-school time program provider that meets Inventionland’s small or rural organization criteria is eligible to apply for these grants.
  • Purpose/Use of Funds: Inventionland Institute is supporting small and rural schools/programs to make its innovation curriculum more affordable for those that would otherwise be unable to afford the program.
  • Need to Knows: Grantees are required to complete training within 3 months of grant award and will be expected to start using curriculum no later than fall 2019. Grantees must be willing to host site visits to share their innovative practices with other interested schools/programs. Inventionland offers these grants quarterly, so there will be additional deadlines in 2019.
  • EEP Support: We are hosting a series of FREE visits to Inventionland and Days of Innovation visits to Ohio schools using the Innovation courses. See our Invent, Make and Learn blog for more details. EnvisionEdPlus will provide FREE application reviews prior to submission of your Inventionland grant proposals.

~Michele Timmons, EnvisionEdPlus President

( 614.893.7341)

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