School Safety Grant Announcement

Important grant update from Michele Timmons: 

Last week Ohio opened two important (and very simple!) safety grants for schools. Most organizations can write these locally, but as always if you are in need of support, please email Michele (

    • Funding: Formula-based grant of $2,500 (minimum) or $4.50 per student, whichever is greater.
    • Deadline: May 30, but it is 1st come/1st served!
    • Funding: Program-based grant of up to $40,000.

The eligibility and use of funds for each grant are the same: 

Eligibility: Public (inclusive of STEM/STEAM and community schools) and chartered nonpublic schools, educational service centers, local law enforcement agencies, and schools operated by county boards of developmental disabilities administering special education services. (Must apply at the district level – not building level, but can request funding for all schools.) 

Use of Funds: The use of the grants includes, but is not limited to, all of the following: 

  1. School resource officer certification training; 
  2. Active shooter and school safety training or equipment; 
  3. Educational resources for any grade type; 
  4. Training to identify and support students with mental health issues; 
  5. School supplies or equipment related to school safety or for implementing the school’s safety plan; 
  6. Any other training related to school safety. 

The schools, educational service centers, and county boards are to work with or contract with the county sheriff’s office or a local police department to develop the programs and training. 

All questions regarding the grants should be sent to

If you are looking for outstanding professional development for your staff to build their capacity to address social, emotional and mental health challenges of your students – Give us a shout! 

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