Artificial Intelligence Toolkit for Educators

Ohio's Artificial Intelligence Toolkit for Educators.

As we have all heard by now, Artificial Intelligence is changing the world as we know it, and for many, this can seem overwhelming and feel like entering into unknown territory. But, what if I told you that AI has already been around for quite a bit of time now and you’ve probably already used it at least once today? 

When was the last time you used GPS apps? Do you have any smart devices in your home? Have you scrolled through social media lately? Or how about when you sent out that most recent email, did you have spell check on? These all use artificial intelligence to become more customized and ideal for each user! Pretty cool right? 

With AI becoming a bigger part of the 21st century and new tools constantly being added to the market, like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini (formerly known as Bard), it’s time to start introducing them into the classroom and creating a space where students can safely and properly learn how to use these tools for good. 

When we talked to some of our friends in K12 education about AI, we were hit with similar responses. Feelings of being overwhelmed and even slightly concerned about adding AI into their classes. Especially because we know that Artificial Intelligence is not perfect, has biases, and can negatively impact student’s learning. 

With all of that being said, it’s important to know how to navigate this new technology and help young people learn how to use it to support their learning, not hinder it, so they can grow up to be critical thinkers and innovators. 

Ohio is one of only 13 states that has created, or are currently creating, guidance for using AI in education! Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted and InnovateOhio recently shared their toolkit that will help students, teachers, and parents ethically navigate and use AI. 

In a recent press release, Lt. Governor Husted shared:

"AI technology is here to stay, and as a result, InnovateOhio took the lead on hosting forums over the summer to discuss the impacts. The predominant request was educators wanting help implementing the technology in the classroom. This toolkit is a resource for those who will prepare our students for success in an AI world. It continues our work to ensure Ohio is a leader in responding to the challenges and opportunities made possible by artificial intelligence."

The seven-part toolkit covers topics like; policy development, resources for policymakers, resources for teachers and parents, and guidelines. In this toolkit, you’ll find easy-to-follow resources that break down what AI is and how it works as well as common questions, templates, tools, and more. 

We are so excited to see these new resources become available for Ohio educators! If you need support navigating the world of AI, you’re not alone! These are a great place to start exploring. 

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