Battelle Education’s Manufacturing Pathways Pilot Program Grant

Our friends at Battelle Education are dedicated to supporting education and expanding opportunities for young people. Their latest grant opportunity will help schools shape the future of advanced manufacturing in Ohio. 

With $1.85 million funding available, ten public schools in Ohio will be selected to develop or expand manufacturing pathways OR engineering and science technologies pathways that prepare students for careers in one of Ohio’s largest industries.

Students will;

  • Gain high-quality credentials
  • Explore opportunities in a growing industry
  • Grow relationships with employers in their communities

Schools interested in applying for this funding, should focus on prioritizing underrepresented groups. The initiative should work to remove barriers and create a more diverse advanced manufacturing workforce.

Ohio public schools should meet the following criteria:

  • Traditional schools/districts
  • Community schools
  • STEM/STEAM schools
  • Joint vocational school districts

Selected schools will have technical assistance through the entire 18 months of the program and are expected to participate in a Community of Practice.

The Request for Proposal is due Monday, February 3rd. This is one that can be done in house, but as always if you would like support with this, please email Michele (

For additional information, Battelle is hosting an information session on January 13th. 

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