The basics of Ohio’s Comprehensive Literacy State Grant

Ohio has opened applications for the Comprehensive Literacy State Grant! This is a great funding opportunity designed to help schools, districts, and youth-serving organizations enhance literacy instruction from birth through 12th grade. With a strong focus on the science of reading, evidence-based practices and improving outcomes for all learners, this funding will help provide the resources needed to implement high-quality literacy initiatives. If you’re ready to strengthen your literacy programs and drive meaningful change, now is the time to apply!

Here are the basics:

There is $60 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Education for these 4-year grants. 95% of grant funds must be distributed directly to lead educational agencies (LEAs) and early care and education programs to improve literacy outcomes Birth – Grade 12.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 15% ($8.55 million) Birth – Age 5 (est: 18 grants with average award $475)
  • 40% ($22.8 million) K-5 (est: 30 grants average $760K)
  • 40% ($22.8 million) 6-12 (est: 20 grants each 6-8 and 9-12 average $570K)
  • 5% ($2.85 million) subgrants across bands based on need

Page 2 of the DEW’s Subgrant Eligibility Requirements states that K-12 LEAs are:

  • City, local, cooperative education, exempted village, and joint vocational schools.
    Community Schools.
  • STEM and STEAM designated schools.
  • Educational Service Centers (programs that directly serve students, only)

Extra points will be given to applications that:

  1. Show evidence that their selected schools will impact the rate at which they can scale the evidence-based language and literacy strategies through their region. (3 points)
  2. Show evidence of supporting underserved populations. (3 points)

These are the state’s overarching goals for students: 

  • Increase the percentage of students proficient in reading in grades 3 through high school on the state English Language Arts assessment.
  • Increase the percentage of students on track in reading for PK through 2nd grade.
  • Improvement in students with disabilities demonstrating their approved universal screening measure.

For districts who choose to include English Learner Supports in their grant proposal, DEW’s Literacy Team is offering virtual webinars and office hours to help applicants understand best practices that are aligned with the science of reading. 


Office Hours:

  • February 13th  9:30-10:30 AM
  • February 18th  1:00-2:00 PM
  • February 24th  12:30-1:30 PM
  • March 3rd  2:00-3:00 PM
  • March 7th  12:00-1:00 PM
  • March 21st  1:00-2:00 PM
  • March 26th  3:00-4:00 PM
  • March 27th  2:00-3:00 PM
No registration needed. Below is the Zoom link you can add to your personal calendar for one of the times above.

The application deadline has been extended. They are now due Tuesday, April 8th at 4:59 p.m!

If you have any questions please contact Tricia (

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