Day of Innovation Highlights

Wow! What a great event. Yesterday, we co-hosted a Day of Innovation with Inventionland Institute and Reynoldsburg City Schools. Visitors from across the state joined us to see Reynoldsburg’s new – and FABULOUS -Inventionland Innovation Lab at Hannah Ashton Middle School.

Hannah Ashton Middle School, Reynoldsburg, OH

What happens at a Day of Innovation?

  • We explored how this new space is being used to authentically engage middle schoolers in problem based learning;
  • We practiced design challenges and brainstormed how educators can use them in their schools to increase engagement and deepen learning; and
  • We discovered how Inventionland’s Innovation Course can be a great resource for teachers to build 21st century skills, especially those assessed through the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal.

What did participants say?

  • “I am using these activities to help me refresh PD I do for afterschool and summer learning professionals.”
  • “Our Board is very interested in creating a makerspace in our district. The HAMS Innovation Lab gives me tons of ideas for how we can re-think learning environments.”
  • “Our school is really beginning to focus on opportunities for students to earn their OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, the Inventionland Innovation Course looks like it might be a great resource to support this effort. “

Interested in learning more?

  • Consider scheduling a tour of Inventionland in Pittsburgh.
  • Contact US to set up a visit to one of the dozens of Ohio schools currently using the Inventionland Innovation Course.
  • Attend one of our upcoming Operation Graduation 2.0 Design Labs. Each event will have a POP session on this topic.
  • Contact US to be added to our list of folks interested in attending the next Day of Innovation. (There are 2 -3 events in the works for this year. Some in Pittsburgh and others in Ohio.)

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