Logan-Hocking School’s big grant win!

Congratulations to our friends from Logan-Hocking School's!

EnvisionEdPlus is so proud to announce that our friends at Logan-Hocking Schools have been awarded $2.5 million dollars thanks to a Full-Service Community Grant by the U.S. Department of Education! 

To ensure these funds are used to best serve their community, over the last few months the team at Logan-Hocking reviewed data and statistics from their communities and pinpointed 4 key issues.

  1. Academic challenges,
  2. Attendance issues,
  3. Non-academic struggles,
  4. Lack of systems to provide equitable access to services. 

To address these, Logan-Hocking will be collaborating with many innovative and driven partners that will each offer their unique support. Some partners include;

  • The Miami University’s School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention and Early Intervention using the Ohio School Wellness Initiative (OSWI) model for Student Assistance Programs (SAP), 
  • Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success for professional development,
  • and The Ohio State University College of Social Work’s Community and Youth Collaboration Initiative for evaluation services on their efforts.
Also, they are dedicated to the work and will implement all nine SAP model components in their seven schools! These components include; 
  1. School board policy, 
  2. Staff development, 
  3. Program awareness,
  4. Internal referral process, 
  5. Problem-solving team and case management (SAT), 
  6. Direct services to students, 
  7. Cooperation and collaboration, 
  8. Integration with other school based programs and program evaluation and improvement). 
In order to achieve full success, Logan-Hocking will be closely evaluating their programs and their community’s needs as well as continue to keep a strong understanding of local culture as well as regularly partner with students and families. 
This grant will also allow Logan-Hocking to create new learning opportunities for their middle school and high school students. They will hire a career counselor who will expand business relationships and coordinate work-based learning and career education for their students. They also plan to design and implement a career counseling program and work with local groups, organizations, and businesses to enhance career readiness and create learning programs that will engage families. 
This also aligns with their goal of creating stronger relationships with their families and the local community!

"This grant will enable us to address non academic needs that will help support the success of our students. Our team was able to identify critical areas of need through the meetings with the EnvisionEdPlus grant writing team and then create a plan that will be sustainable and address areas that we needed support in"

The grant is a huge win for the community of Logan-Hocking and will enhance student learning outcomes, engage families, the community, and local partners for one main goal… To Ensure That EACH Youth THRIVES!!

Thing brings the EnvisionEdPlus total awards to $254,633,066.43!

Not only that, but we are SO proud to say that this application received a perfect score!

If you want help with your next grant application, complete the form below!

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