Ohio’s Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant

The U.S. Department of Education awarded Ohio $60 million for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development grant. The goal of this program is to increase learning opportunities and improve literacy outcomes for students aligned to Ohio’s implementation of the Science of Reading. If changing to the Science of Reading approach has been difficult for your school/district or if you just need additional resources to further your current efforts to align instruction to the Science of Reading, this grant might be a great fit for you!

Please note! We anticipate that the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce will open the competition for Comprehensive Literacy State Development grants in early 2025. There are several steps that should be taken NOW to be prepared to successfully compete for this funding.

To help you prepare, EnvisionEdPlus is offering FREE live virtual support sessions so your school or district can get a head start. These sessions are designed to ensure you fully understand the grant requirements and determine whether this funding opportunity aligns with your local literacy goals.

Join us for a support sessions to:

  • Understand the expectations for eligibility to apply for the grant.
  • Determine whether this grant is a good fit for your school/district.
  • Discover how EnvisionEdPlus’ Comprehensive Literacy K-12 Grant Preparation Boot Camp might assist you in planning your school’s strategy for developing a competitive grant application.

Support session options, these will not be recorded. (You only need to register for one.)

  • Thursday, December 12 from 3 – 4pm
  • Monday, December 16 from 10am – 11am
  • Thursday, December 19 from 1 – 2pm. 

Grant Boot Camp

Lastly, we are offering a grant boot camp! If your leadership team needs support in developing or updating a Local Literacy Plan, determining appropriate evidence based strategies that meet your local needs and preparing a competitive grant proposal – this boot camp is for you!

BootCamp fee:

  • $250 per session for each school or district team (no maximum number of participants)
  • OR $900 for all 4 sessions
  • All sessions are 9am-12pm and will be live virtual via Zoom. Sessions will not be recorded.

Join us for all sessions, or just those that meet your local needs.

 Session 1: 

What’s Our Why?

Thursday, January 16

  • High Quality Data and Root Cause Analysis 

Session 2:

Setting the Course 

Thursday, January 23

  • Goal Setting and Action Planning

Session 3: 

What Works for OUR Kids?

Thursday, January 30

  • Identifying key evidenced based strategies and resources

Session 4:

Engaging and Supporting Staff

Thursday, February 6

  • Managing Adult Implementation through a Comprehensive Staff Professional Development Plan

Registration will open soon!

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The basics of Ohio’s Comprehensive Literacy State Grant

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