Ohio Grant-Sanity Watch List 2018

Lions and tigers and grants – Oh My! This will be a busy winter – spring for districts and non-profits looking to pursue grants and innovation opportunities related to education, STEM and youth development. 

Here is EnvisionEdPlus’ Grant-Sanity Watch List. Please note: all timelines listed below are estimations right now. EEP will share updates via our newsletter and blogs as timelines for each program are finalized.

Looking to… Watch for… Key Info…

STEM or STEAM up your school?

start a new school focused on STEM or STEAM pedagogy?

Ohio STEM/STEAM Designation 

Webinar/planning: Late Nov 2017.  RFP opens: Dec 2017. Deadline: Mar 2018. Awards: April/ May 2018

STEAM is new this year. STEM/STEAM Designation is available K-12.  All schools (public/private), ESCs & non-profits are eligible.  Planning should be well developed before applying. EEP recommends Ohio STEM Learning Network review your application before submitting.
implement 1-1 mentoring grades 5-12?

provide college and career readiness and/ or pathways experiences in grades 5-12?

Community Connectors 

Outreach: Dec 2017. Intent to Apply: Dec 201 -Jan 2018. RFP opens: Feb 2018. Deadline: Mid March 2018.  Awards: May/June 2018.

Final round for this grant.  1 year grant for FY 2019. Non-profit or faith based group must be applicant. Primary target must serve schools with 40% or higher economic disadvantage rate or low graduation rates.  School and business partnership required. Programs may occur at school or other locations.
increase literacy achievement for disadvantaged children from birth – grade 12? Striving Readers Grant

Reading Achievement Plan: Dec 31, 2017. RFP opens: Jan 15, 2018. Deadline: Mar 1, 2018. Awards:  May 2018

 All schools, districts and early childhood education providers are eligible applicants. Reading Achievement Plans will be prerequisite to apply. Due to grant requirements, EEP (and ODE) recommend Consortia applications.   See EEP Striving Readers Grant blog and In-depth Striving Reader Overview for info.
start a charter school? Charter School Planning Grant

Timeline is not yet available. Last year RFP opened in the spring and due in early summer.

Ohio refers to charters as community schools.  Applicant must have signed preliminary agreement with sponsor in advance (2017 cut off was in March).  Applicants should expect school start up Fall 2018.
purchase new school or youth program buses that use alternative fuel?

upgrade bus engines to more fuel efficient engines?

Ohio EPA Alternative Fuel Vehicle Conversion Grants   OR      Ohio VW Mitigation Grant

Timelines not yet available. Originally looked like late fall 2017, but now we think it might be spring 2018.

Both grant programs will by run by Ohio EPA. Alternative Fuel grant is not competitive and awarded 1st come 1st served.  VW Mitigation grants are awarded only in counties with high emission rates. See map for eligible counties.  See the EEP Ohio School Bus Grants blog for more info.

The EnvisionEdPlus team is well positioned to help your team prepare for these (and any other) grants or innovation initiatives. If you have questions or would like to talk to us about how we can help with Striving Readers, please contact us through our website. Feel free to also contact Tricia Moore our Director of Partnership and Engagement (tricia@envisionedplus.com or 614.357.4439.)

~Michele Timmons, President                                                                   (michele@envisionedplus.com or 614.893.7341)

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