The Envisionary Network

The Envisionary Network

After years of working as a teacher, principal, and even opening her own school, Michele Timmons took a leap of faith and pursued her passion of supporting small and rural schools and youth-serving community organizations. On May 1st, 2013, she founded EnvisionEdPlus to make high-quality innovation consulting available to all who are ready for it. Coming up on 10 years later, we are so thankful for all of our clients that have stuck with us over the years. 

To show our appreciation, our team has been putting our heads together to create a supportive and engaging community of Change Makers to offer a network to those who are truly innovative. Together, we all can keep working towards one common goal: To ensure that Each Youth Thrives – In School and Beyond.

What is it?

The Envisionary Network is our private mastermind group for innovators in education to network and support one another as thought partners, all while receiving benefits along the way. A private Facebook group will be the primary platform used for our Network, but we’ll have occasional virtual and in person get-togethers as well.

But, how?!

To begin, we are inviting a few of our clients, partners and friends who we know will contribute to the vision and development of the network. As we build the capacity and tools needed to offer our Envisionary Network the community and support they deserve, we look forward to bringing in all the great Change Makers out there.

So, what happens next and what’s in it for you?

The Envisionary Network will harness the collective power of Change Makers across our professional network to create something truly special for its members. Supporting the Envisionary Network will help EnvisionEdPlus stay in tune with the latest trends, challenges and opportunities facing the communities we serve. In turn, members will receive access to a private Facebook group where they’ll get exclusive offers, discounts, and event invites. They’ll join in conversations with like-minded individuals, bounce ideas off of one another, ask questions, seek support on challenging problems, and build a strong community. They’ll also receive monthly newsletters that share updates, interesting articles, and upcoming events. Some of the exclusive events include virtual technical assistance from Michele and the EnvisionEdPlus team, annual parties and happy hour events. We’ll promote the work of our best innovators through our Innovator of the Quarter and Innovator of the Year program, acknowledging their amazing effort and accomplishments. 

We are so excited to begin The Envisionary Network and can not wait to see the awesome professional growth and friendships that come of it! 

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