Welcome Dr. Thomie Timmons!

I am thrilled to announce EnvisionEdPlus is growing! Today we welcome Dr. Thomie Timmons to the EnvisionEdPlus team as our Chief Learning Officer to lead our ‘real time’ professional learning (all live virtual and in-person professional learning). Bringing Thomie Timmons into the fold is not just a great opportunity for EnvisionEdPlus, it brings Thomie and I full circle. We met while teaching at Reynoldsburg, Ohio High School in 1992 while he was the cool art teacher and I was that mean government teacher 🙂 In February of 1993 our engagement made the RHS morning announcements. In March 2022, we will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary.  

Thomie and I had a wonderful experience innovating together in the 90’s but have not worked together since 1999 when I left the district to begin my administrative journey.  For 30 years, Thomie has been one of Reynoldsburg’s leading innovators. Most recently, he was a Deeper Learning Coordinator supporting PBL, maker education and other deeper learning practices across the district. Thomie was a founding staff member of the eSTEM Academy at Reynoldsburg High School where he led the development of the Reynoldsburg Battelle FabLab, a school-based MakerSpace that serves the school and the community.  

As our Chief Learning Officer, Dr. Timmons will significantly expand our capacity to provide outstanding professional learning in maker education, STEM/STEAM school design and pedagogy, cross curricular instruction, design thinking, and transdisciplinary problem based learning. His experience designing high school pathways and school-community partnerships brings a high value-add to schools looking to increase equitable access to alternate demonstrations of competency for at-risk students. 

Thomie is a National School Reform Faculty Member and received this accreditation through a national teaching portfolio presentation.  He received his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership in Social Justice from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. His research was on social justice in MakerSpaces.

When asked what he looks forward to most about joining the EEP team, Thomie tells friends, “Michele has been bossing me around for 30 years – now I get paid for it :)”    

If your school or organization needs support in any of these areas – give Thomie a shout (Thomie@envisionedplus)! 

  • Active and Whole Brain Engaging Learning Strategies (co-facilitated with Jim Still-Pepper) 
    • Whole brain based instructional strategies that engage hands, heart and brain so EACH student (especially at risk and trauma impacted) youth can think and innovate. 
    • Great for school and out-of-school time learning
  • We’ve Got Maker Equipment – Now What?
    • Strategies for integrating maker education across the curriculum in school or during-out- of-school time learning
  • STE(A)M Designation and Re-designation
    • We want to become a STE(A)M school but need help.
    • OMG – we are up for re-designation and need help! 
  • Design Thinking and PBL 
    • Implementing design thinking and/or PBL in classrooms and out-of-school time 

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