What a Year it's Been.

2023 was a year full of trying new things and meeting new friends. Over the last 12 months, we started our first private networking group for our clients we call ‘The Envisionary Network’, we created our very first YouTube channel, EnterActive, and we even got to work with folks from J.P. Morgan Chase for small business coaching!  

We have had the pleasure of working with friends from Logan-Hocking, Riverside, Elida, Bath, Delphos, Zanesville, and Riverside Schools, Trumbull County ESC, United Way, GRAD Cincinnati, My Project USA, Learning Grove, The PAST Foundation, and SO many other awesome schools, ESCs, and summer/after school programs all across Ohio! 

We were also blessed enough to work with some really great partners along the way that made it all possible. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, The Ohio Afterschool Network, Ten Speed Consulting, eDynamic Learning, Ohio STEM Learning Network, Young Entrepreneur Institute, YIPPEE, EPiC Learning Today, Startup Smartup, Franks Research Group, and Certiport just to name a few! 

Together we’ve helped youth-serving professionals explore topics like; career awareness, literacy, grant sustainability, grant management, artificial intelligence, educational leadership, STEAM and mental health.

We are proud to say that in just this year alone, we’ve worked with roughly 231 youth-serving professionals, indirectly impacted 51,216 young people, and have helped our clients get over $22,779,623.23 in grant funding! 

So to our friends, colleagues and ‘frolleagues’ we thank you for all the support and love every one of you has given us this year and we wish you all a happy holiday! We will see you in the new year and can’t wait to see what exciting new endeavors 2024 will bring. 

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