New Direction Kidpreneurs

Written by Liz Nusken, Ohio Afterschool Network

Thirty-two kindergarteners through 5th-graders at New Direction Learning Center’s summer camp in Dayton learned to flex their problem-solving and creativity muscles by thinking like entrepreneurs!

Using the WagiLabs curriculum, with staff training and support provided by the Ohio Afterschool Network, campers learned to use their ideas for good. WagiLabs (WAGI is short for What a Great Idea!) is a free curriculum designed to help incubate kids’ ideas to help others and improve their communities.

Kids looked at problems in the community and used their creativity to come up with solutions. One problem that troubled them was the litter and trash in their communities. Their brilliant solution was a 311-type service number that people could call to schedule a dump truck to pick up and haul away trash! Students created prototypes of their ideas and pitched them. 

The experience helped New Direction Kidpreneurs build entrepreneurial mindsets like problem solving, resourceulness, empathy, opportunity seeking, idea generation, teamwork, and pitching!

The Ohio Afterschool Network and Young Entrepreneur Institute have curriculum, training, technical assistance, and other resources for teachers and youth development professionals to use in facilitating fun and meaningful learning experiences that introduce K-12 students to entrepreneurship.

For more information, contact Liz Nusken,

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