Striving Readers: Free Technical Assistance

Catching Up

Shortly before the holidays, the Ohio Department of Education released new information about its upcoming Striving Readers grant competition to help potential applicants better understand eligibility and the process for applications.

If you were caught up in the holiday spirit and missed this new information, check out these two resources: Striving Readers Eligibility Updated (an EEP blog published Dec. 20) and Striving Readers Steps to Apply (ODE video published Dec 21). Together, these resources will help you determine if your district or non-profit early childhood center is eligible and the required steps to maintain eligibility to apply for the Striving Readers Grant. If you are totally out of the loop on this grant opportunity and need to get up to speed, check out Striving Readers: Preparing to Succeed on Ohio’s Newest Competitive Grant (an EEP blog published Nov 6) and ODE’s Striving Readers Grant webpage.

Intent to Apply

Eligible districts and early childhood organizations MUST complete their Intent to Apply by Wednesday, January 10. If you are even considering applying – fill this out ASAP. You can always decide not to apply, but if you haven’t filled out the form by January 10 you won’t be allowed to apply! Also, if you are trying to find a consortia but it isn’t firm yet – just complete the Intent for your organization. You can switch from individual to consortia later.

Free Technical Assistance (from ODE, SSTs, EEP and others)

Eligible Ohio schools and early childhood education agencies considering an application to the state’s upcoming Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant competition must identify reading interventions with “strong” or “moderate” evidence using the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) definition. Those designations have to do with the quality of research studies and veracity of positive outcomes associated with specific intervention strategies.

Ohio plans to unveil a state-specific clearinghouse that will be helpful in identifying interventions with strong or moderate evidence; however, that tool is not yet available. In the meantime, we have been directing potential applicants to Evidence for ESSA and What Works Clearinghouse to review possible interventions. Within the next two weeks, EnvisionEdPlus will share short summaries of strong or moderate evidence based programs and strategies. We hope these new tools will assist leaders in their research. Watch for upcoming blogs and webinars.

All eligible organizations that submit an Intent to Apply letter by the Jan. 10 deadline will be required to participate in ODE’s Literacy Academy (SAVE THE DATE: January 17 -18). The Academy will provide hands on support for developing proposals, creating Reading Achievement Plans and how to select interventions that meet the strong or moderate evidence base. State Support Team members will be available to assist in planning each day.

Ohio Small & Rural Collaborative (OSRC) is hosting the Ohio Literacy Summit on January 23 at Clark State Community College. This will also be a great day for districts to connect and find partners for consortia.

EnvisionEdPlus will be present at both ODE’s Literacy Academy (Jan 17-18) and at ORSC’s Ohio Literacy Summit (Jan 23). Each day, our team will provide free technical assistance to Striving Readers applicants. Stop by and see us!

If you have questions or would like to talk to us about how we can help with Striving Readers, please contact us through our website. Feel free to also contact Tricia Moore, our Director of Partnership and Engagement ( or 614.357.4439).

~Michele Timmons, President                                                                                                                                          ( or 614.893.7341)

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