FREE Technical Assistance for ESSER and SLAOG Grantees

FREE TA sessions for ESSER and SLAOG Grantees!

Thanks to funding from the Ohio Department of Education, EnvisionEdPlus in collaboration with Ten Speed Consulting and Ohio Afterschool Network have been offering Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund grantees and Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities Grantees (SLAOG) live virtual professional development design labs and in-person Actors and Factors workshops over the last year. Some of our offerings included grant sustainability and management, afterschool program expansion and sustainability, building partnerships in communities, supporting student’s mental health, and more and we have had a blast! We’ve had the privilege to meet and work with amazing and passionate professionals from across Ohio including those at My Project USA, Boy & Girls Clubs of Northeastern Ohio, United Way, College Now, Greater Cleveland, Healthy Visions, I Am Boundless, and so many more. 

To expand our offerings to these amazing people and organizations, this school year we have added virtual technical assistance sessions. These are 1-hour long virtual sessions that allow professionals to hop in and out at their convenience and seek help, ask questions, and get FREE consulting from professionals with a wealth of resources and experiences. Last week we hosted our first session and were so happy to have meaningful conversations with the folks that joined. Participants openly discussed their challenges and our team offered personalized support, resources and strategies fit to their needs.

I really enjoy getting to work on a more personal level with the participants so they don’t feel like they are on their own! We are able to offer live support fit to their unique needs and share resources and tools they may not know about!

We truly believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing which is why we are so excited to continue our work with these grantees. If you received ESSER or SLAOG funding, we’d love for you to join our next TA session! It will take place on Thursday, December 7th from 12-1pm. Register HERE.

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